1. 项目背景与需求
2. 开发过程中的挑战
• UI布局的实现
• 数据模型的设计
• 持久化存储
“在处理课程数据的持久化存储时,最初我使用了UserDefaults,但很快我发现它无法满足复杂数据结构的需求。于是,我转向了Core Data,通过定义CourseEntity实体,将课程数据持久化存储到本地数据库中。”
“这让我更深入地了解了如何使用Core Data进行实体和属性的定义,如何进行增、删、改、查等基本操作。”
3. 经验与收获
• SwiftUI的声明式UI设计
• 数据模型与视图绑定
• 调试与性能优化
“在调试过程中,我逐步熟练使用了Xcode的调试工具,如View Debugger、断点和日志工具,来追踪UI渲染和数据更新过程中的问题。同时,通过减少不必要的UI更新,我优化了应用的性能,确保了流畅的用户体验。”
1. 项目背景与需求
2. 开发过程中的挑战
• 音频播放的实现
• UI的交互设计
• 歌曲列表的管理
3. 经验与收获
• AVFoundation框架的使用
• UI设计与交互
• 多线程与后台处理
“音频播放需要避免阻塞主线程,因此我学习了如何使用GCD(Grand Central Dispatch)来在后台执行音频播放任务。此外,我还学习了如何让应用在后台继续播放音频,确保用户切换到其他应用时不会中断播放。”
English Version
1. Course Schedule Project Experience Summary
1. Project Background and Requirements
The course schedule project aims to develop an application that displays a student’s course schedule. Users can view their courses for each semester, add, edit, and delete courses.
In this project, I first learned how to use SwiftUI to construct the UI and bind data using ObservableObject and @Published. The application should also have editing functions and allow filtering by semester.
2. Challenges During Development
• UI Layout Implementation
“In SwiftUI, UI layouts are created using a declarative syntax. For the course schedule app, I used VStack, HStack, and List to arrange the views. VStack vertically arranges course information, HStack displays course names, times, and other details, and List is used to display different courses.”
“This layout approach, although simple, requires careful attention to device adaptation. Eventually, I used GeometryReader to address layout responsiveness and ensure the interface adjusts dynamically based on screen size.”
• Data Model Design
“To store course information, I defined a Course struct with attributes such as name, time, and teacher. During this process, I learned how to bind the data model to the UI using @Published to ensure the UI automatically updates when data changes.”
“For example, when adding a course using the addCourse method, the list automatically updates to display the latest course information.”
• Persistent Storage
“For storing course data persistently, I initially used UserDefaults, but soon realized it wasn’t suitable for complex data structures. I then turned to Core Data, defining a CourseEntity entity to persist course data in a local database.”
“This helped me gain deeper knowledge of how to use Core Data for entity and attribute definitions and basic operations like create, delete, update, and query.”
3. Experience and Takeaways
• Declarative UI Design with SwiftUI
“SwiftUI’s declarative UI design significantly simplified the UI creation process. Using containers like VStack, HStack, and List, I could efficiently build layouts and adjust components flexibly. In the course schedule project, using GeometryReader and Spacer made layout adaptation to different screen sizes much easier.”
• Data Model and View Binding
“By using ObservableObject and @Published, I ensured that the data model and the view were bound together, allowing for automatic UI updates when the data changes, greatly improving user experience.”
• Debugging and Performance Optimization
“Throughout the debugging process, I became proficient with Xcode’s debugging tools, such as the View Debugger, breakpoints, and logging tools, to track issues in UI rendering and data updates. I also optimized app performance by reducing unnecessary UI updates to ensure a smooth user experience.”
2. Audio Player Project Experience Summary
1. Project Background and Requirements
The audio player project aimed to develop a basic music player that supports play, pause, skip, volume adjustment, and song list display. Through this project, I mastered audio handling, background playback, and UI interaction development skills.
2. Challenges During Development
• Audio Playback Implementation
“For audio playback, I used the AVFoundation framework. Using the AVPlayer object, I was able to control playback, pause, and stop. The AVPlayerItem object helped me track the audio’s status and progress, which I updated in real-time in the UI.”
“For example, I used the timeControlStatus property of AVPlayer to monitor the playback state and update the play button accordingly in the UI.”
• UI Interaction Design
“The audio player’s UI design is simple, consisting mainly of play/pause buttons, volume controls, and a progress bar. I used Slider in SwiftUI to implement volume control and progress bar updates, and a Button for controlling playback.”
“The progress bar was updated using a timer. I used Timer.publish to periodically update the progress bar and synchronize the playback time with the UI using binding.”
• Managing the Song List
“The audio player needed to manage multiple songs. I used UITableView to display the song list and AVPlayer to play the selected song.”
“To fetch songs from the network, I used URLSession to make network requests, retrieve audio file URLs, and load and play the audio using AVPlayer.”
3. Experience and Takeaways
• Using the AVFoundation Framework
“AVFoundation provided robust support for audio playback. In this project, I used AVPlayer to control playback and AVPlayerItem to get the playback progress. I learned how to manage audio buffering, loading, and playback control through this framework.”
• UI Design and Interaction
“In UI design, SwiftUI offered many components for handling user input. Using Button, Slider, and Text, I could implement user interactions. The progress bar implementation deepened my understanding of SwiftUI’s binding mechanism and enabled real-time UI updates.”
• Multithreading and Background Handling
“Audio playback requires avoiding blocking the main thread, so I learned how to use GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) to perform audio tasks in the background. Additionally, I learned how to keep audio playing in the background even when the app is not in the foreground.”